

Immigration to Canada is changing as the country aims to attract new immigrants at record rates. In 2021, the government has seen positive changes to the immigration system that focus on bringing in more residents. Looking back at 2021 in the new year, it is possible to recognize the significant milestones that may impact your immigration goals.


Welcoming a Record Number of Immigrants

When looking at immigration in Canada for 2021, the major milestone to consider is the immigration rate. Canada could stay on track for immigration goals in 2021 and welcomed 401,000 new permanent residents. Despite challenges related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the country could keep up with immigration goals.


Offering Express Entry for Skilled Workers

A review of 2021 shows that Express Entry played a key role in reaching immigration goals for the year. The Express Entry program encourages individuals to apply for a visa based on their skills and expertise. It offers three types of visas based on the individual's work experience. Individuals with three or more years of work experience in Canada may apply for Express Entry visas. It also offers opportunities for individuals with work experience in other countries. Skilled workers may gain additional points for Express Entry if they apply for the Provincial Nominee Program to a specific province.


Immigrating Through the Provincial Nominee Program

The Provincial Nominee Program allowed more individuals to immigrate to Canada compared to previous years. The program improves opportunities to immigrate when individuals meet specific needs within a province. For example, a province may target skilled workers or college-age students in a particular industry. Immigrating through the Provincial Nominee Program ensures you can fill a role the province needs for the local and provincial economy.


The New Immigration Minister

A key highlight of 2021 in Canadian immigration is the new Immigration Minister. The Honourable Sean Frasier began working as the Immigration Minister in 2021 and played a critical role in reaching country-wide goals for permanent residency among immigrants to the country. He set clear goals for permanent residence and focused on immigrants already in the country on work visas or similar visas. By focusing on residents with valid visas and work experience in the country, Canada was able to work on a fast-tracked process for permanent residency.


Addressing the Crisis in Afghanistan

While Canadian immigration has had many positive changes throughout 2021 to welcome new residents, the response to the crisis in Afghanistan had an impact on the system. The country has worked to resettle 40,000 Afghan refugees in 2021 and plans to continue working on resettlement and refugee programs in upcoming years. Steps were taken to bring in vulnerable families and individuals from Afghanistan in the wake of the crisis abroad.


The highlights of Canadian immigration in 2021 show a positive trend for individuals who want to move to the country. By reaching immigration goals in 2021, the Canadian Immigration Minister has demonstrated that he is willing to take the appropriate steps to meet the demands for skilled workers in the country.


Are you interested in immigrating to Canada? Are you already in Canada and need help obtaining your Permanent Residency? We can help you. Contact Sure Immigration today.